To all the Parents and Supporters of 1 ST St Albans Scout Group,
We would like to invite you to attend our Annual General Meeting, which will be
held on Thursday 27 th June 2024, starting at 7.30pm, at the Wadley Scout Hut
on Watford Road.
This year has seen the Scout Association launch its transition project, and our
A.G.M. will now follow their prescribed model, which importantly is also in line
with the Charity Commission model/requirements.
Attached are the following documents :-
1. A.G.M. Agenda
2. The Group Annual Report
3. The Financial Accounts
4. Link to the Scout Association Policy, Organisation and Rules 5 – Local Governance and Finance of Groups POR 5.4 being the Model Constitution
We hope you are able to join us, as we review the year, and look forward to
We would also like to invite you to consider helping/supporting us.
We are in fact the oldest scout group in St Albans having been formed in 1908,
and we look forward to many more years of Scouting. We really do need some
fresh faces to serve as Trustees, Section Team Members or Leaders,
Occasional Helpers etc. We adopt very much a team approach in all we do
and would welcome you into our team.
I look forward to hearing from you, or seeing you on the evening.
I am very happy to answer any questions you may have.

Steve Lindsay
Group Chair & administrator
07775 544344


Additional documents:
AGM 2024 Agenda – Click here for the Word doc
Minutes of the AGM 29th June 2023 – Click here for the Word doc
Annual report 2023 / 24 – Click here for the Word doc
Audited Accounts as at 31st March 2024 – Click here for the Spreadsheet
AGM 2024 Treasurer Report – Click here for the Word doc